"Even the self-assured will raise their perceived self-efficacy if models teach them a better way of doing things." Albert Bandura

Learning is Fun!

Learning is Fun!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Modeling Process

Not all behaviors that are observed can be learned. There are certain requirements and steps that must be followed in order for learning to take place. The following steps are involved in modeling process in order for learning to take place:

1. Attention. In order for learning to take place, one needs to pay attention to the model and the important aspects of the behavior. Anything that is distracting is going to have a negative effect on learning. One the other hand, if the model is interesting the learner is more likely to dedicate their full attention to the modeled behavior.

2. Retention. Retention is the ability to store information which is also an important part of the learning process. Ormrod has identified several ways in which behaviors can be remembered. They are: rehearsal and memory codes.

3. Reproduction. This, of course, is the actual reproduction of the behavior that has been modeled. Reproduction of the behavior is improtant for two reasons. One, it enables learners to encode the behavior in the motoric form. Secondly, if the behavior is reproduced in the presence of the model, the learner can get feedback from the model.

4. Motivation. Lastly, in order for observational learning to be a success, you have to be motivated to imitate the behavior that has been modeled. Reinforcement and punishment play an important role in motivation. Reinforcement and punishment was briefly discussed in an earlier post.

Cherry, K. (n.d.). Social Learning Theory- An overview of Bandura's Social Learning Theory. About.com Guide Retrieve April 19, 2010 from

Ormrod, J. (2008). Human Learning (5th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.


  1. Sarah,
    I've enjoyed reading your blog. I agree that students need to pay attention to the model. Unfortunately, instructors are competing with all sorts of distractions in the classroom. Thanks for the good information.

  2. Julie,

    Thank you. I agree that for learning to occur, the student need to effectively pay attention to the model.

    Hopefully, as instructors become more experienced, they will be better able to compete with classroom distractions.


  3. Sarah,

    I enjoyed your post and also believe that in order for someone to learn they must be aroused to the information, pay attention, and have some form of motivation towards learning the new informtion, either intrinsic or extrinsic or a good combination of both.

    Amanda Pryce-Jones

  4. Sarah,
    I enjoyed your post. It is very applicable to nurses, but the first one I think of is my son. He's 3, and when I start cooking, he goes to his kitchen to cook for me. I realize just how much he is modeling and learning when he burns the toast :)
    Thank you,
    Laura McFarlen
    I don't have a clue with the comment as part, part, but I think I can make it work as anonymous..
